Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Skull intimidate me

Wednesday...Well i was going to tell you guys about my first full day of classes... but something else went down tonight that drowns out all the importance in my day of class. 

Before I continue, I need to make clear that I am not bashing this church. It was obvious to me that it has fruit and God is moving within those walls. But I personally have never been more scared entering into a Christian church. The building was a retired Movie Theater and as we (Darla, Erin, and I) walked in, we were greeted by a man wearing balloon pants with zippers and chains, I held out my hand to say hello, taking a quick glance at his arms, I noticed his wrists and arms were wrapped in black cloth. I love self expression and individuality, but it confuses me how some one can be filled with God's joy yet express himself in such a dark mannor.. Darla, Erin and I are new to Montana and Skull Church, so we entered this place not knowing what to expect next. Pottersfield Ranch loves this church, I'm not sure why... As we made our way through the front doors, immediately our eyes caught on to the countless skulls. Skull pictures, drawings, digital skulls, and as we sat down there was a half skelten half human poster on the stage. The lights were dimmed and red, music filled the building with screams and screeching. This was no ordinary church music. They called it alternative, punk rock, metal, scream, whatever, to me it felt satanic. I got chills as we settled into our seats, I turned to view the expression on Darla's face and I knew i wasn't alone on this one. She gave me a half smile and we both leaned into each other to whisper "what is this place?" Suppposedly it's a Bible teaching Church. I noticed people were holding their Bibles, so that was a good sign...but none of us felt good the moment we walked into the doors of this darkened movie theater. I could tell the whole service was geered towards the younger crowd, they did a good job making it a church that attracts a certain type of people. I guess I wasn't cool enough to fit that certain type of crowd. In turn, it left me scared of my shadow.

...I have never experienced a church like Skull Church... The worship began and people stood in like manner, but I couldn't tell whether the band leader was singing about his girlfriend or Jesus... I knew none of the words, and the style of music gave me the creeps. I'm sad that churches have to go to that extent to meet the people's needs in making it a comfortable enviroment...Comfortable to who is my question..
The sermon began, we went through Eccl. 6. It was real simple and I do not doubt that the Holy Spirit was moving and speaking through this man. Around 10 people were saved tonight at the alter call. It just proves to us all that God works through anyone and uses all situations for the furtherance of His Kingdom. Going to Skull church was something I've never experienced before in my life and I don't ever want to go back. ..Too bad we have to go there every wednesday. I'm not sure how I'll handle this for four months...

Today we had cross cultural studies. I have found my new love for this class. I'm so excited to wake up tomorrow and sit in another full 9-5 hour day of classes! Our teacher reminded me of a mixture between Einstein and the main character in the pixar film Up. He was so cute, I've never paid more attention in a class in my life. I will most definitely continue to inform you guys on the interesting things I learn during my time here. this day was interesting to say the least...I don't like that i've only been here for 5 days and each day has felt like a week..I miss home :(

send me letters and love por favor
Brittany Harris
C.O. Pottersfield Ranch
P.O. box 68 Olney Montana, 59927

1 comment:

  1. HUh!? So you saying you dont like dark images and skulls and sreaming trippy music and you were at church mind you and you were scared for lack of a better term? HUH? hmmmmmmm?

