Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Running to the gates of Hell..

"Life consists of your time..."

Today was an important day to be paying attention.. there was no room for being homesick. I consistently had to snatch my thoughts back into captivity so I could gain the most out of the crucial words spoken to me. I was overwhelmed and fearful of losing my concentration..I realized how important it was for me to not allow my thoughts to wander and I continued to mistakenly yearn for friendships and the life I knew. I'm frightened to let go of what I perceive as life, yet I'm even more scared to hold on.  Our life consists of our time, how am I using this time I have here in Montana? This cold, sunless, isolated place...

Today I realized why I am here..I'm here to be a runner. But to be a runner, I must go through training :) I'm here to go into this war we fight and be the one running back and forth from the gates of Hell, snatching the lost and the weary who sleep at the gates. Bearing witness for the Lord will never be a waste!   This quiet, cold, isolated time is a priviledge.

The Lord calls us to be a witness in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

My prayer request I ask of you is that God places my desires in my heart. NOT me placing my own desires. Its so much easier said than done..oh my gosh... its so much easier said.  Pastor Mike asked us today what is it that we really like to do? Because God has formed me in that manner. God created our inner being, my personality, my likes and dislikes. Yet, that comes with fully laying down and surrendering my life to Christ, so He can mold me. I will be deciding by the second module where God is calling me to go forth and give hugs and smiles in Jesus's name. So prayer is needed :) You guys are my strength! Prayer is so powerful!


METH or LIFE  --  I found out after class today that we were to visit an old folks home. As we were on our way there, we got lost and ended up at the top of "suicide hill" and drove through some sketch neighborhoods. We passed a sign on the road that said "METH or LIFE" with an arrow pointing towards which you choose... the arrow was on Meth. I tried getting a picture of it...we also passed a man standing outside of his house, caressing his cat, staring at our van the multiple times we drove by.  haha.
...its funny to me that these have already become our highlights.. I wonder what will excite us in 3 months.  People here keep saying Walmart will be a thrill.
At the old folks home we sang hymns and praise songs, and met some wonderful people.  Sid and Hank were my two favorites, one was a 91 yr old man, the other was 80 and full of spunk. They contributed to our music by singing and playing the harmonica. The rest of the time I got to sit next to them and crack jokes about their age. We compared childhoods and I realized how much I wish I lived back then. 
The birds sang with us today as we sang worship. So beautiful. Gave me the chills.

He was my favorite :)

I SAW THE SUN TODAY! In the morning the sun peeked through the clouds. It was GORGEOUS.  But then it rained all day.

Also, I've had so much fun getting to know these girls. Two of the girls I've gotten really close with are from Philadelphia. They have accents, all day we compared the ways we say certain words. :)
By the way, why don't people vacation in Montana more often? there are SO MANY beautiful lakes out here.


  1. Dear Lord, my God,
    Thank you for everything you have done for us. I always feel selfish for asking you for something else, in prayer, in every day life, in thought. However, today I am asking that you bless my dear friend Brittany. I ask that you hold her hand through this journey of hers, and remind her, every day, that she is in Montana to serve You and to do what YOU called her to do. Let her mind thrive on You, Lord. Let her desires and wants and needs come from You. Amen.

    Your child :)

  2. Hey Britt!

    Its great to hear your heart and the true struggle we face every day. Will I live for Jesus? or is there something that I need to do more important. I feel for ya on the sunshine note....I too am connected to the sun! You are a very good communicator in your posts by the way....very cool didnt realize that about you. :) Isnt Mike awesome! What a great minister of God! He has trippy approach that is organic and unconventional you what I mean...love that! Blessings Britt...proud of you takung thsi step of Faith. By the way, the waves have been insane! Just had the Hurrly pro Kelly won again for the 9th time...wahoo!

    Parayers and love from the Myer fam!

  3. Britty,
    Sounds so exciting!! We love Mike and Pam soooo much!! We are cracking up at your experiences so far. Troy said he remembers having to polish all the wood, loved the dishwasher etc. He was the wood chopper. I think this is where he developed his love and obsession with all things flannel. We remember his first picture in his dorm room and he looked so apprehensive but had this awesome view and cool ceiling type window; after 2 weeks he was over missing us haha. His term was not able to communicate with friends or family the first 2 weeks so you are blessed. The property is so gorgeous there. Troys first venture down to the lake with another student was interupted by a moose... scared them hahaha. Well, the sun will shine and you are in for amazing revelations about yourself and Jesus in your life. So proud of you. I agree with Troy, you have a great writing ability... maybe journalism is your path!:) luv ya
