Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm a cake decorator!

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."
1 john 15:13
Today we had orientation, it was real great.  I'm excited to finally start classes tomorrow! After lunch, we cleaned the ranch for five hours. Who knew you could get that detailed with cleaning! Base boards, light switches, the works. During our cleaning sesh, Darla and I killed a black spider with Bleach, Simple Green, and Commit. Probably the biggest andrenaline rush we had all day. We (darla, sarah, and i)  had Kitchen Partol today, that was fun. They have a dishwasher here that literally takes two minutes to run through and clean the dishes. Best invention ever. I have a weird love for washing dishes..I bet that will change by the end of my training here.
"..Let all things be done decently and in order." 1 Corithians 14:40

Tonight was a girls night for Amy's 20th birthday. This is where I discovered my cake decorating abilities. You know your good when you can decorate a cake with a ziplock bag filled with frosting :)
my creation

We also made delicious "white trash" "dog chow" "crack"  whatever you may call it.

its basically chex, peanutbutter, butter, chocolate, and powdered sugar. Can we say yum?

I have a feeling God is going to be doing a lot in my heart these next few months.. I know He is faithful to teach, correct, and convict. I'm a little nervous.. Pottersfield is giving us as interns a chance to spiritually lay down our lives to deny our "self", love others, abide and the Word of God, and bear much fruit. They keep telling me that being a trainee, I can expect every aspect of my experience in the program to bring me to the point of absolute dependence on God.

Pray for me and the other trainees. We are in desperate need of prayers.


  1. first of's called puppy chow...second of all...that's the BEST INVENION EVER!! i think im going to make some tomorrow now :) hehe i love you and miss you and LOVE readng these<3

  2. Did you mean "comet?"
    It's a cleanser.....
    "Commit" I don't know to be a cleanser; but hey, I'm not in Montan-i-a.
    (this is Darla's Mom......)
