Romans 10:14-15
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are SENT? As it is written:
How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!"
People still haven't heard the name of Jesus Christ. We as americans are ignorant when it comes to the rest of the world. we are so distracted.
The 10-40 window are estimated 4.4 billion people. The poorest of the world, live on less then 500 dollars a year and lack resources. It's against the law to be Christian, there are 2.7 billion people in that 10-40 window who have been unreached and have never heard the name of Jesus.
we are 221 years into the modern era of missions yet there are still no hint of Jesus in this population, we as Christians are failing. The harvest is ready but there are no workers to bring them in.
There are about 330,000 churches in the US today and there are 7,000 unreached people groups. How is anyone going to hear the gospel of Christ if you don't tell them.
Some people might think ya know I'm just not called to evangelize... We are Christian. We are called.
GO ye therefore and make disciples among the nations
Go= remove yourself, get off your butt.
Nation=every people groups, every culture and make disciples
Without Jesus we are dead, people are desperate. Everyone will stand before Jesus Christ, and the Only thing that is going to matter is what have we done with the gospel. It won't matter where you lived, how popular, how successful, The only thing God will care about is what did you do with gospel when you had time.
Lord says don't be afraid, the Lord is prepared the hearts of the people in the place we are to go. They are being prepared and waiting for us to hear what is true, they are waiting for the gospel to be shared. Hearts around us are being readied and softened by the Lord..
But what do we do? We don't give a crap. We don't care that half the world is dying without ever hearing the gospel, we don't care or we would be out there.
It isn't our job to save anyone, our job is make sure they have the chance to be saved.
It's OUR job is to be matchmakers. To lead people to the Lord, to lead them Into true love. the perfect love.
God is calling all of us to do something crazy for His names sake.
If God is not calling you to go somewhere crazy, he is still calling you to be involved with missions, every missionary needs a pit crew to support and pray. They need people to listen to them.
The heart of the matter:
We as Christians are either called to Go or to Send...
The bottom line:
People are dying all around us, Jesus came to this earth to die, how can we claim to be a Christian of we won't do the same..
Make people feel guilty if their not doing their part on serving the Lord. Guilt is not always a bad thing if it gets you to do Gods will in your life.
How cool is it that you and I Get be apart of the work of the LORD. He chose to use US to accomplish the will of the Lord. What an honor and a privilege it is....dealing with people is hard and we Are going to get hurt. There will be some hard lessons to learn. Without a doubt the hardest time in life,but the MOST rewarding....
Surrender your life and serve God
When Christ calls a man, He bids him come and die...
The road with christ in the world is not easy... The road to hell is wide and simple... But I tell you it is worth it to die to yourself and to live in Him on the road to life after death :)